There are people who need a relationship

Baat mann ki
4 min readFeb 19, 2021


I know, I know, they don’t have to remind me, we are human beings and our HUMAN nature always points to company, we are gregarious beings who tend to look for other people to feel better, I know that very well; But, there is a big difference between being gregarious or social to the extreme and intense need to live in a relationship.

Although well, here we should make another indication, in addition to being a highly sociable species, we are one of the few species that tends to compulsively seek love, indeed, we even invented that of monogamy, and of being faithful until death separates us, although well, not everyone practices that of being with a single person, lovingly or sexually, but we cling to that in the search for love, company and the person who makes us exist.

Perhaps for that reason there are people who urgently need a relationship always, at all times, all the time. However, love is also interesting, and maybe, I insist, just maybe for that reason we bought the whole package of the perfect relationship, and maybe, just maybe, that’s why there are people who need a relationship , because that is how they were told that life would end like the fairy tale, they lived happily ever after

The same and that is the crazy reason why all people incessantly seek a relationship with a partner, because without that relationship there is no way to achieve happiness, something like that, mmm, let’s says that person is the prelude to being happy in all sense. Find your love and Date with them or share your feeling or Emotions with Strangers by Free Call on Dating apps Baat mannki.

That would make sense, and would make it fit, albeit very forcefully, the missing pieces in this puzzle, you know, something like that from “to egg” a piece has to be left in the spaces, because otherwise, what is it? the answer to the compulsive and even sickly need to want to have a relationship always, at all times.

And I know, I know, you don’t have to take out the gregarious letter and the transcendental concept of love, we already talked about it in previous paragraphs, and no, no man in black passed the neutralizer to me so that he will forget that, now I know that the life goals that have been instilled in us from children in a family, cultural and even mediatic way is to have love and be sociable. I already know that.

But, it is not in contradiction to be single with those things, in truth, it is not.

Now, I clarify, I am not on that spectrum and not because I throw myself into the drama for being single, rather because I am the most antisocial person in the world, but, in short, there are functional, happy, sociable singles who can live in a very calm way without a relationship, but there are people who cannot.

It is very rare, because there are individuals, regardless of their gender, who cannot spend a fucking minute of their life alone, sometimes by destiny (when they fall in love they immediately break up or break up to have another relationship, like that for life) sometimes By choice (when the idea of ​​being alone terrifies them and they sign up in every dating app that exists to make something quick come out), regardless of whether that is the best option for their life.

Simply surprising, as people in order not to be alone and to be able to say that they have love and thus their happy ending, they never worry about choosing, selecting and finding the couple that fits in their life, as I said a while ago, It is like when you become foolish to force a piece of the puzzle to enter where it does not go, I suppose that happens because of fear of being alone or because of the urgency and haste that they have sold us of time, of ticking and that we must find someone quick.

There are many people who feel anguish, stress and are overwhelmed to find a partner as quickly as possible, because there are people who are urgent to have a relationship, the question is how why? Or for what?, and there are many.

Although perhaps, this is like vices, and people who have a relationship learn to live that way, with that vice, so much so that without it they feel strange, empty and with the imperative need to find a relationship, while vice versa those of us who are single cling to it fighting tooth and nail.

Maybe that’s where the key is and when you’re in a relationship your whole life stays in that mood.



Baat mann ki

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